Sunday, February 21, 2010


Alright, so we had a week of training. It was fun. Hmm... A lot of time spent with the other trainees, which was nice. Got to get to know people that I didn´t really know before. We spent the first half of the week in Totonicapan, and the second half in Tecpan. I know that means pretty much nothing to you, but that´s the logistics.

We spent our time in schools for the most part. On Tuesday since it was Marti Gras, there was a festival at school instead of class, so we kind of just watched and had confetti thrown at us by the kids. They were a little aggressive with some of it. One trainee ended up with her face covered in silver paint, and her hair filled with confetti and glitter. A girl in a different group got a real egg smashed on the back of her head... It was a little crazy, but it was all in good fun (I don´t think the egg girl will appreciate that I wrote that, but it´s the truth).

We got a lot of information about what we are going to be doing, which I would explain now, but I don´t want to spend the money to write it while I´m in this cafe, so you guys can just theorize, and then see how close you can get.

That´s all for now, have a great week.

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